
multiple cropping Learn more about multiple cropping

  • Chinese scientists have discovered "multiple genes" that make crops heat-resistant and high-yielding

    Chinese scientists have discovered

    Chinese scientists have discovered "multiple genes" that make crops heat-resistant and high-yielding

  • How to effectively control soil-borne diseases of multiple cropping vegetables?

    How to effectively control soil-borne diseases of multiple cropping vegetables?

    With the continuous improvement of multiple cropping index, the soil-borne disease of vegetables is becoming more and more serious, which has a great impact on the yield and quality of vegetables. The following methods can be taken to control soil-borne diseases of vegetables. First, carry out crop rotation. Rational crop rotation, especially flood-drought rotation

    2020-11-09 Multiple cropping vegetables soil-borne diseases how effective control with
  • Analysis on the Technical characteristics of "intercropping and multiple cropping" Model in Wheat Field

    Analysis on the Technical characteristics of

    Analysis on the Technical characteristics of "intercropping and multiple cropping" Model in Wheat Field

  • Interplanting Technique of Peanut and Sugarcane for Increasing Multiple Cropping Index and Fertilizing

    Interplanting Technique of Peanut and Sugarcane for Increasing Multiple Cropping Index and Fertilizing

    Interplanting Technique of Peanut and Sugarcane for Increasing Multiple Cropping Index and Fertilizing

  • New techniques of multiple cropping of melon and rice

    New techniques of multiple cropping of melon and rice

    First, the previous crop of melon 1. High-yield and high-quality melon varieties with a growth period of about 90 days were selected for seed preparation, such as Chaozaotangwang, Hong Orange crisp No. 1 and so on. Turn the paddy field well before freezing last year, rake and ridge, the ridge distance is 50-60 cm, compacted to preserve soil moisture. Combined with land preparation, 5000 kg of high-quality farm manure is applied per mu. two。 Seedling transplanting, soaking seeds in late February and raising seedlings in greenhouse at the end of February and the beginning of March can be used to separate seedlings with seedling bowl after raising seedlings in border bed or directly use seedling bowl to raise seedlings. Honda planted melons on April 15th

  • Benefits and techniques of multiple cropping of Rice and Zizania latifolia

    Benefits and techniques of multiple cropping of Rice and Zizania latifolia

    Chongxian Town, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City is located in the plain water network zone, originally mainly to grow rice, but also some Zizania caduciflora, Pleurotus ostreatus, lotus root and other aquatic crops. In agricultural development and industrial structure adjustment, Chongxian Town made use of local soil and water resources, vigorously expanded the area of rice-Zizania caduciflora multiple cropping, and took Zizania caduciflora production as an efficient agriculture of the vegetable basket project. The district, town and village invested 2 million yuan to establish the Chongxian Village Zizania caduciflora demonstration Park. In 2005, Hangzhou Agricultural Comprehensive Development Office established it as a high-tech demonstration of national agricultural comprehensive development.

  • How to replant cauliflower in spring wheat field? Cultivation techniques of multiple cropping cauliflower of spring wheat

    How to replant cauliflower in spring wheat field? Cultivation techniques of multiple cropping cauliflower of spring wheat

    The average yield and output value of cauliflower is 1500-2000 kg and the output value is 500,600 yuan. The main variety Beijing Dutch Snowball 80 days, Jinxuan 31-9-8, Japan Snow Mountain 80 days. Beijing Dutch snowball for 80 days, suitable for autumn vegetables cultivation. The variety has strong growth and compact plant type.

  • Efficient multiple cropping of lettuce, muskmelon and garlic in greenhouse

    Efficient multiple cropping of lettuce, muskmelon and garlic in greenhouse

    In the multiple cropping mode of lettuce, muskmelon and green garlic in the greenhouse, lettuce was sown and raised in mid-late September, transplanting in late October and harvested in mid-March; thick-skinned muskmelon was sown in late February, planted in late March, harvested at the end of June and early July; green garlic was sown in late July and harvested in mid-late October. The yield of lettuce is 4500 to 500 per mu.

  • Multiple cropping and three-dimensional planting techniques of Cotton in Huaibei area

    Multiple cropping and three-dimensional planting techniques of Cotton in Huaibei area

    Multi-cropping three-dimensional planting is a high-yield and high-efficiency agricultural production form and supporting comprehensive technical system in line with the biological population structure. The development of multi-cropping three-dimensional planting can achieve good economic, social and ecological benefits. First, the mechanism of developing multi-cropping and three-dimensional planting of cotton in Huaibei area. 1. Adjust measures to local conditions and pay attention to efficiency. Cotton three-dimensional planting involves a variety of crops, a variety of factors, a variety of disciplines, with a strong time, regional, comprehensive and scientific. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the appropriate one according to the land and climate conditions in Huaibei area.

  • Efficient multiple cropping of winter lettuce and early spring pepper in greenhouse

    Efficient multiple cropping of winter lettuce and early spring pepper in greenhouse

    First, select improved varieties: early spring lettuce cultivated in greenhouse should choose early-maturing varieties with strong cold tolerance, such as Hefei duck egg lettuce and Beijing crucian carp lettuce. Second, cultivate strong seedlings: sowing and raising seedlings in the greenhouse in mid-late January. Soak the seeds in 20 ℃ water for 4 hours before sowing. After scrubbing, remove the controlled dry water and load it.

  • Efficient multiple cropping of cabbage, sweet potato seedlings, eggplant and cauliflower

    Efficient multiple cropping of cabbage, sweet potato seedlings, eggplant and cauliflower

    Lettuce likes cold environment and is neither cold-resistant nor heat-resistant. Therefore, if you plant lettuce well, you should master the following technical links. First, the selection of varieties. When growing lettuce, we should choose varieties with good cold and heat tolerance and good stress resistance, such as ball lettuce, glass lettuce, mosaic lettuce and Caesar. Second, soil.

  • Efficient multiple cropping of winter lettuce and early spring pepper in greenhouse

    Efficient multiple cropping of winter lettuce and early spring pepper in greenhouse

    Lettuce is a variety of lettuce with disease resistance, high yield and cold tolerance. Sowing and raising seedlings in a small arch shed from late August to late September. After sowing, the greenhouse film should be ventilated and covered with sunshade net to reduce the temperature during the day, and the greenhouse film should be covered when it rains at night. From seedling division to slow seedling stage, shade is needed during the day to create an environmental temperature suitable for lettuce growth.

  • The planting mode of agriculture

    The planting mode of agriculture

    Monoculture is contrary to intercropping, where only one crop is planted on a piece of land, which is called monoculture, which has the advantage of being convenient for planting and management and field operation.

  • How can mung beans be planted with high yield?

    How can mung beans be planted with high yield?

    How can mung beans be planted with high yield? Please guide that mung bean is one of the important miscellaneous grain crops in our country, which has the effect of cooling and relieving summer heat, and integrates nutritional value and medicinal value. with the increasing improvement of people's living standards, people need more and more mung beans in order to adjust and improve their lives.

  • How to dilute pesticides correctly? Calculation method of pesticide concentration and dilution

    How to dilute pesticides correctly? Calculation method of pesticide concentration and dilution

    The situation of pesticide dilution is directly related to the efficacy and the growth of crops. How to dilute it correctly? Can I understand what the expert said and what was written in the manual? Similar problems often perplex peasant friends. After reading this article, you will understand that it is rare.

    2020-11-09 How correct dilution pesticide concentration and calculation algorithm
  • Is Taiwan mandarin fruit a fruit? What are the nutritional values and uses of the fruit?

    Is Taiwan mandarin fruit a fruit? What are the nutritional values and uses of the fruit?

    Is the wood nut a fruit? How would you like it? In order to popularize the original characteristic crop, the Taitung District Agricultural improvement Farm of the Committee of Agriculture of the Executive Yuan (hereinafter referred to as Taitung Field) conducted the "presentation on the Multi-Application of the original characteristic crop" and published the "original seed Wood".

    2019-04-18 Taiwan wood fruit which nutrition
  • Which crops will be harmful to common pesticides?

    Which crops will be harmful to common pesticides?

    Which crops will be harmful to common pesticides? Please introduce the following harmful effects of common pesticides on crops: stone sulfur mixture: it is harmful to peaches, plums, plums, pears and other plants. If used on these plants, it is best to spray them in the deciduous season, not in the growing season or during the flowering and fruiting season. Fenitrothion: in.

  • Prospect of Development trend of ratooning Rice

    Prospect of Development trend of ratooning Rice

    Years of practice shows that the planting of ratooning rice is a resource-saving, eco-environmental and efficient rice cropping system, which is beneficial to improve the multiple cropping index and the comprehensive production capacity of rice fields. As a light cultivation method, it has the advantages of short growth period, high daily yield, high rice quality,

    2016-01-10 Regeneration rice development trend prospect years of practice shows that regeneration
  • What about the latest corn with many ears?

    What about the latest corn with many ears?

    Corn is a very popular food crop in China, which has a large planting area. Although it is relatively simple to plant corn, there are still many problems in the planting process, which affect the yield of corn. Among them, multi-spike corn is a kind of

    2020-11-10 The latest corn many ears how to do in I the country a kind of
  • How to distinguish the quality of water-soluble fertilizer?

    How to distinguish the quality of water-soluble fertilizer?

    Water soluble fertilizer is actually formula fertilizer, and different formulations are formulated according to different crops, different soils and different water quality, in order to meet the nutritional needs of crops to the maximum extent, improve fertilizer use efficiency and reduce waste. Therefore, formula is the key to distinguish between good and bad water soluble fertilizer.

    2020-11-09 How to distinguish water-soluble fertilizer good or bad actually